In the midst of acquiring a condiment to accompany their sausage, Rosen is captured by the Ketchultimate, a mechanical Billy Mays Ketchup cyborg. Can King Harkinian save him, or must he resort to tyrannical means? Well it's finally here! We finished our initial draft back in August of 2020. Little did we know just what a long endeavour we would be embarking on! Our longest production ever, we worked on and off on this project through Friar's Rubbing Wood, Shronk, Miscreants and finally completing it in November of last year. A very challenging work in every sense. Tackling a YTP that must adhere to a story in the midst a much larger framework, using a source material that is profoundly exhausted, moving house and ill health were just some of the challenges we faced. Despite these difficulties, we very much enjoyed seeing it come together and are very pleased with how it turned out. Our immense thanks go to NDMytp for allowing us to take part in this amazing and truly special collaboration. And a very special thank you to Jimmy Davis for inviting us and putting in a good word to NDM. Many thanks to our amazing Patrons and subscribers for their continued patience and support. Watch the full collab here. It's one of the best ever made Follow us on Twitter: Become a Patron: Check out clips on TikTok: Take a look at our Merch Store: THIS VIDEO IS A PARODY AND IS THEREFORE PROTECTED UNDER THE "FAIR USE" COPYRIGHT ACT. ALL FOOTAGE USED BELONGS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS.